Monday, March 17, 2014

Helpful Insomnia Tips Provided By Chicago Sleep Medicine Center

By Eve Briner

Inability to sleep all night is a common issue that most people eventually face. When this happens to you, you have several options to consider. Here are some practical Chicago insomnia therapy tips from your sleep medicine center that can help you get a good night's sleep at last.

When sleeping seems impossible there might be an obvious reason. It is tempting to lie down for a bit in the daytime and take a nap. Yet, this may be the reason for your sleepless nights. Once you can avoid napping, your problem may be solved.

Try exercising when you have sleeping problems. A half hour a day of walking can make the difference. However, it should not be done right before bed. A good workout in the evening can make you tired enough for sleep. Also, exercise is proven to be an effective stress buster, and stress is a major reason for not sleeping well.

When you cannot sleep you may resort to tranquilizers or sleeping pills. You also might consider herbal supplements commonly used for sedation. This may work fine for occasional problems, but if you self medicate you are setting yourself up for trouble. It can lead to dependency and simply make the problem worse.

To get better sleep, stay away from sources of caffeine in the evening. This includes colas, coffee, tea, and even chocolate. Caffeine raises blood pressure and makes you more alert and this is the last thing you want at bedtime. Also, eating too late in the evening can upset the stomach resulting in no sleep.

When you cannot sleep each night, you should consider professional assistance. Contact your local sleep center and they will be more than happy to help you find the solution to this sometimes difficult problem. A sleep center provides the kind of Chicago insomnia therapy that will help you sleep better and feel better.

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