Friday, July 26, 2013

Choosing Best Face Tanner Lotion

By Haywood Hunter

A substance that is applied to your body to make it appear darker is called a tan. One could opt to go directly under the sun for that sun-kissed glowing skin, or use sunless tans. A sunless tan may be a disposable bronzer that is applied in the same way the make-up is applied. Alternatively, it may be a mousse, gel, or lotion. The results experienced from the best face tanner lotion match those of tanning under the summer sun.

[Sunless Tanning, best self tanning products, tanning pills]

The best face tanner lotion, unlike a natural tanning, does not harm the skin in any way. This is because it is temporary, unlike the permanent tanning. The skin is not in any way exposed to UV light, therefore, there is no damage whatsoever to the skin. This also eliminates the risk of getting cancer.

Such a self-tan lotion contains a chemical component known as DHA. This is the chemical that reacts with the outermost layer of the skin to bring about a darkening effect. This has been the major reason why many dermatologists encourage the use of the best face tanner lotion as it has no harmful radiations involved.

There are many kinds lotions in the market, especially on the internet. This may pose a challenge to clients who are looking for the best face tanner lotion. It all boils down to the consumer and what they are looking for in this lotion. The most important thing to check for in such a lotion is the amount of sun protection factor in the lotion. The higher the SPF levels, the better, as this means that it will provide maximum protection to the skin against the harmful rays of the sun.

The best face tanner lotion is probably the one applied gradually. This means that it has to be applied everyday as a moisturizer. This daily moisturizer also contains fake tan thus darkens the skin with every application. One can do this until they reach their desired result. Most people prefer this kind of fake tan lotion as it eliminates the cost incurred in buying a moisturizer and fake tan separately.

The best face tanner lotion should be chosen with close consideration to your skin color. Those with fair skins are advised to look for lotions with less DHA as opposed to darker-skinned people who need more DHA for a darker tan. As they come in different tones, it is easier to choose a tone that is closest to the natural skin tone to ensure a more natural result.

The type of skin is also another consideration as every skin type has a different need. Dry skin requires more moisture, hence the best face tanner lotion for such should have extra amounts of moisturizer. Oily skin has too much oil, thus appears sweaty. The best face tanner lotion for such skin is one that has less grease as compared to the rest.

The ultimate choice should be your best face tanner lotion it is, however, important to understand that these lotions also have their demerits. They may cause skin irritations, or some other adverse reactions. They may also cause permanent stains on clothes and accessories thus damaging them. Take your time and choose the best face tanner lotion.

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