Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Chiropractic Adjustments Help Leg Pain Sufferers Find Relief In Cincinnati

By Selena Chery

Around 3% of the general adult population suffers from sciatica. This debilitating condition can cause intense, persistent pain throughout the entire leg. Prescription drugs may help to assuage the symptoms, but do not resolve the underlying issues. A Cincinnati chiropractor relieves sciatica pain safely and effectively using gentle spinal adjustments and deep tissue massage.

The sciatic nerve starts in the lower spinal column and travels through the pelvic bones down the length of both legs. It is the longest nerve in the human body. If it becomes pinched and irritated, the symptoms are widespread. Sciatica sufferers often experience sharp, shooting pains between the buttocks and feet. They may also feel burning, cramping or tingling sensations in thighs and calves.

The most common cause of sciatica is a herniated disc in the lower spine. When a disc ruptures, the soft gel core may protrude and constrict the sciatic nerve. Misaligned vertebrae in the lumbar region can also instigate sciatica if they press against nerve tissue in the spinal cord.

When sciatica sufferers visit the Cincinnati clinic, they are thoroughly assessed. After reviewing their symptoms, the doctor performs a physical examination and carries out orthopedic and neurological tests. MRI scans are used to locate the precise point at which the sciatic nerve is constricted.

The chiropractor uses gentle manual adjustments to restore vertebrae to the correct alignment and increase space around the spinal cord. This relieves pressure on the sciatic nerve and eliminates the source of the pain. Massage techniques are used to soothe aching leg muscles, release tension and increase mobility.

After the sciatica is resolved, the Cincinnati chiropractor guides patients through a rehabilitation and recovery program. Therapeutic exercises are used to strengthen muscles, increase flexibility, and improve posture. Patients are taught ways to prevent the recurrence of sciatica pain by maintaining a healthy spine.

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