Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Proven Research Behind Building Bigger Arms With One Trick

By Russ Howe

For years, men have been trying to learn the secrets of how to get bigger arms.

After all, having a massive pair of bulging biceps is the pinnacle of fitness aesthetics for any man who takes his physique seriously.

But the constant confusion surrounding fitness often leads many fitness enthusiasts down a merry path of frustration.

First of all you have the guru's who will try to sell you every new muscle building supplement under the sun, all of which come with a hefty price tag and lots of scientific jargon.

You'll meet people in your local gym who will try to sell you steroids, human growth hormone and other such substances under the guise of "you need it if you want to get bigger." And you'll also find a lot of individuals who like to give free, unsolicited training tips. This can also cause confusion, because before too long everybody is telling you to do different things, claiming everybody else to be wrong.

Here's the great news - it's all nonsense.

There is a ton of scientifically researched data showing how to achieve bigger arms. But sadly most people just don't know where to find it, due to the fact that the industry is soaked in sales pitches and the aforementioned over-reliance on bodybuilding supplements.

Today you're going to see for yourself.

In 2011, a research team from Norway looked into the myth that training your legs creates a huge testosterone spike which can yield great full body results for new lean muscle growth. If you've trained for a while, you have probably heard this myth countless times.

"If you want to get big arms, train your legs", as they say.

Although they actually discovered that the hormone spike is not big enough or long enough in duration to provide full body results, laying to rest this age old theory for good, they did discover something else which could prove crucial to yielding new results for your arm growth in the gym.

Training a smaller muscle group straight after a leg workout returned great results, as it took advantage of the hormone spike which was produced.

Training your lower body with heavy weights produces a spike in testosterone for up to an hour. By hitting a much smaller body part within this time, you're striking in the so called "sweet spot" for muscle growth.

So the researchers had a group of subjects train their left arm on it's own for 11 weeks, while training their right arm after a leg workout. What they discovered was very interesting...

Not only did the subjects pack on more lean muscle to their right arm due to the leg workout they did previously, they also increased their one rep max lift!

So the saying should be changed to "If you want big arms, train them after training your legs!" The researchers concluded that any small muscle group could be used in this temporarily elevated muscle building environment following a lower body workout, but the smaller the muscle, the greater the gains.

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