Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Indians Trusted This Herb And So Should You

By Jamika Twombley

Have you heard everyone talking about the saw palmetto health benefits? You can take it as a herbal remedy and rumor has it that is one of the best supplements on the market if you are concerned about your prostate health. In fact, it is most notably used as an alternative medicine for benign prostatic hyperplasia which is also known as BPH. However, it can do a lot more than an enlarged prostate.

If you are curious about saw palmetto, it is something worth checking into it. Saw palmetto extract is taken from the berries of the Serenoa repens, a small palm tree that is available in Florida. This palm tree has large leaves and it puts on dark red berries. The berries are rich in fatty acids and phytosterols and even though the berries are only the size of olives, they can help you with a variety of medical issues. It is definitely worth considering if you want a good natural supplement.

Not only is this supplement good for men over 50 because it can help with an enlarged prostate, but it can also help with incontinence as well as penile dysfunction. The enlarged prostate can cause difficulty urinating and many men may feel that they are swollen in the pelvic or rectal areas. This is a very uncomfortable feeling that most men don't want and they are happy with the saw palmetto health benefits results.

The way it works is simple. It blocks some of the bad testosterone in your body so that it does not increase the cellular reproductions within your prostate and blocks it from binding to the prostate therefore reducing the potential for swelling in that area. The good news though is that while it blocks some testosterone it is also used by athletes who want to increase their muscle mass with testosterone while avoiding steroids.

Both men and women can enjoy the saw palmetto health benefits because it goes much further than prostate or erectile issues. It can be used as an aphrodisiac. It can also help women who have already gone through menopause and now have trouble with the incontinence that comes from weak urinary organs. Other research indicates that it may also help some people lose weight by aiding digestion and absorption.

Using saw palmetto to help your body is not a new thing. American Indians enjoyed it with their meals and used it for aiding them with their urinary and reproductive issues, Mayan's believed it was good enough they drank it as a tonic, and Seminoles trusted it as an expectorant and antiseptic. It has even been used by both American and European medical practitioners for nearly 200 years to treat all sorts of illnesses that contribute to chronic cough, asthma, whooping cough, and even laryngitis. These doctors also feel that the saw palmetto health benefits can help a person overcome weakness after a major illness that wears the person down. With all the good that past people have felt saw palmetto can do, why not give it a try for yourself to see what it can do for you?

Another of the many saw palmetto health benefits include that there are virtually no side effects to taking it. Most people, who do have side effects, usually notice that it causes upset stomachs; however, they also state that if they eat before taking the supplement, it is usually fine. You may not want to take it during pregnancy or nursing, unless you have permission from your doctor. This is true for all types of supplements. You may also want to consult with your doctor if you are concerned about your cholesterol levels.

Imagine taking something that does not overload your body, but makes you feel like a whole new person. That is what you get when you try to enjoy the saw palmetto health benefits. If you have concerns you are free to consult with your doctor before taking it. In the end, you will be glad that you decided to give it a try. Especially, if you notice the same benefits that all others have noticed when they start taking this natural herbal supplement that comes in very small doses.

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