Friday, May 23, 2014

Brooklyn Pediatrics & The Connection Between Bullying And Inflammation

By Robert Sutter

It goes without saying that bullying is a serious situation and this is especially true for those who are younger. The mental and emotional negatives can carry over into adult life but I do not think that many people truly understand what can happen in the physical sense as well. With this in mind, did you know that bullying - if done to tremendous extents - can cause inflammation? This is one of the many points that, in my view, Brooklyn pediatrics can inform others about.

Reuters put forth a report that talked about bullying and how, if done to great lengths, can lead to inflammation in victims. Specifically, these would be cases of low-grade inflammation but even still these details are surprising, especially to those who only understand how bullying can impact one's mind. However, it's important to consider that there are minor physical conditions that can come about as a result of heavy bullying. Conditions along the lines of stomachaches and even dizziness can rise to the surface.

Duke University School of Medicine in Durham worker William Copeland put together a study in order to learn about how bullying can impact one's physical well being in the long term. One of the points that came to my attention was that inflammation, especially when detected early on, can lead to heart disease over the course of time. What this means, in my view, is that better care should be taken so that bullying does not have such an impact. Fortunately, parents may be able to step in and offer help.

Many medical specialists, Dr. Michael Gabriel included, know that there are early signs to consider when it comes to children who are bullied. These include - but are not limited to - lethargy, a lack of drive to do well in school, and quietness even amongst parents. Parents and teachers alike should also step in to help, which is a point that can be brought to their attention by Brooklyn pediatrics. With these points in mind, children should be comforted by the fact that they aren't without assistance.

Perhaps it's just me but it seems like bullying has become much more of a hot topic nowadays than ever before. More than anything else, though, discussion should be directed that the prevention of bullying in addition to the negative impact that it can have. Children do not have to undergo bullying for long, as there are ways to keep this to a minimum, at least. If parents and teachers indicate any behavioral changes, from day to day, it may be time for them to step in.

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