Sunday, March 9, 2014

Home Remedies For Dental Stains

By Harry Izzo

If you find yourself hiding your teeth even after hearing a hilarious joke, then you might want to check into a remedy for your stained teeth. You can easily go to a dentist to have stains removed in a few short minutes, because he has quick solutions for off-colored teeth. If you want a home remedy there are several available to you if you are willing to wait longer for the results.

Stains on your teeth are a sign that you either smoke a lot or you are not cleaning your teeth as well as you should. Or it's a combination of the two. If you brush your teeth at a minimum of twice a day you still can have smoking stains. Look at smoking as something you should treat, exactly like when you've had a meal. Soon after you put out your cigarette you showed brush your teeth. If this is not possible for you, then at least rinse them out with some water.

Eating fruit, especially citrus fruit, is a good idea for smokers. Citrus stimulates the production of saliva in your mouth and reduces the amount of staining that occurs. You can keep your teeth white by eating oranges and lemons. Be sure that you always have a supply of these around. Citrus fruit also is packed with vitamin C and this helps combat the onset of gingivitis.

Other helpful fruits are apples and strawberries. To clean the surface of your teeth and keep them looking white, just bite into an apple. Strawberries can be made into paste to brush your teeth with. Be sure to use real toothpaste to complete the job.

Baking soda and hydrogen peroxide can be combined to make a useful homemade paste. Baking soda is made up of tiny grains and is a good alternative to traditional toothpaste. The tiny little grains in baking soda are abrasive and can scrub the surface of your teeth to wash the staining away. Be careful not to brush too vigorously, because you do not want to damage the enamel surface of your teeth.

Dairy products are loaded with nutrients. They are a good source of calcium which helps strengthen bones. Teeth are bones and are strengthened internally by what we eat. Milk and other products such as cheese help rid your mouth of smoke stains.

These methods are not quick fixes. They take a while to take effect, especially if you are a chain smoker. Logically the best route is to quit smoking altogether. Not only will this improve the appearance of your teeth, it will help you live longer as well.

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