Monday, March 10, 2014

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Relief Accelerated By Chiropractic In Tallahassee Without Surgery

By Clayton Maske

Carpal tunnel syndrome often results in numbness, pain and loss of function in the hand fingers and thumb. It is caused by an impingement of the median nerve as it connects the hand to the spine. Often, there is a narrowing of the carpal tunnel or swelling of tissues in the individual's wrist. However, if this nerve is pinched anywhere along its route, similar problems occur in the hand. Tallahassee upper cervical chiropractors provide natural therapy to bring relief.

Nerves send communication between the brain and the body part they serve. When pinched, these communications are hindered. The pinch slows or stops blood flow to essential outer tissues of one's nerve resulting in pain signals to one's brain.

Medical doctors often recommend rest or surgery. During the operation, a surgeon clips a small ligament in the wrist to eliminate the pinch allowing the nerve to heal. While laparoscopic procedures are available, they are still invasive. With chiropractic care, healing occurs without the invasion required by an operation.

The chiropractor will adjust the wrist bones in a way to bring relief of the pressure. The approach is non-invasive, eliminating the need for surgery. Freeing the nerve allows blood flow to return, bringing healing of the nerve. As it heals, function is restored to the affected fingers, thumb and hand and pain is eliminated.

Patients benefit from early intervention in these cases. When blood flow is stopped or slowed, nerves begin to thicken due to the formation of scar tissue. It is this thickening that causes individuals to experience chronic pain. As a result, even those who undergo surgery at this point may not find relief. Early intervention prevents scar tissue formation.

A chiropractor brings relief of one's pain without surgery or medication. He works to restore the body's natural balance so it heals on its own. As the nerves heal, pain is resolved and the limbs function properly again.

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