Monday, February 10, 2014

Notes On How Norwalk Chiropractors Help Alleviate Shoulder And Neck Pain Without Surgery

By Christian Bordner

Effective remedies for shoulder and neck pain can be provided by chiropractic doctors as a result of their education and knowledge. If this part of your body has become a source of discomfort to you, then a Norwalk chiropractor must be immediately contacted. The methods that are employed are non-surgical and excellent results are attained without the usage of medication.

A detailed examination has to be performed during the first visit of the patient to the clinic for the determination of the cause of this ailment. You will also have to answer some questions so that the doctor can know the background of your troubles. When the nature of this injury is understood, it is easier to know the most effective corrective measures to apply.

It is vital to check the range of motion of affected joints. The patient will be asked to bend and turn the head in different directions. The movement of your arms has to be checked as well. This is usually followed by certain neurological or orthopedic tests.

X-rays will be taken as well because they help in revealing the neck bones that are misaligned. The problem, in several cases, is generally caused by this particular misalignment. With an MRI or CT scan, it becomes easier to see the injured tendons and ligaments.

Having concluded these assessments, the chiropractor will begin to work on correcting the underlying source of the condition. The rectification of the misaligned joints is done with hands-on spinal adjustments so as to return the vertebrae to their usual positioning. Other procedures can be used for reinstating the affected ligaments and muscles.

Once the Norwalk chiropractor rectifies the misaligned bones, the pain in the shoulder and neck will be eliminated. This is achievable since the pressure on the pinched nerve has been taken away and natural function is now restored. The injured muscles and tissues will heal faster with the performance of certain physiotherapy techniques.

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