Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Portland Chiropractor Helps Correct Bad Posture Naturally Improving Health

By Lonnie Hahne

Your posture is vitally important to your overall health. Poor posture may affect the function of organs and lead to pain in the back or neck. When posture is a problem, a Portland chiropractic doctor offers assistance. Once the posture is aligned as it should be, individuals experience many positive health benefits.

Posture problems sometimes explain the aches and pains one experiences. The way the individual sits, stands or lies affects the balance of the spine. When properly balanced, the effort required for the necessities of life is reduced. Without such balance, ligaments, muscles and the entire body work harder.

Improving your posture protects the joints. When properly aligned and balanced, there is less pressure on the spinal joints. This reduces the wear and tear on the joint that often leads to a limited range of motion along with arthritis.

Posture affects one's breathing. Slumping as one sits makes each breath more work than necessary. Most people with poor posture do not breathe deeply. By improving the way they sit or stand, individuals provide the necessary room for the lungs and diaphragm to expand and contract.

The use of poor posture saps an individual's energy. While mid-afternoon slumps may affect many people due to the drop in blood sugar, slouching in an office chair makes it even more pronounced. The more one slumps, the more fatigue he feels.

Sitting and standing correctly exercises the core muscles, leading to the development of stronger abs. Developing these core muscles increases the body's efficiency at burning calories and may bring weight loss. Strengthening these muscles increases the support for one's back and reduces injuries.

With the therapy provided by a Portland chiropractic clinic, patients find better health. They can feel better about their bodies and give an impression of strength. The self-assurance of a good posture is topped only by the improvements in health which make it easier to enjoy life to the fullest.

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