No one normally willingly goes out and expects to get a sexually transmitted infection. It is an unfortunate statistical trend that can not be ignored. Denver STD testing clinics have reported that patients do not report expecting an STI during their lifetime. Yet, over 19 million United States citizens will get an infection at one point.
Around half of the people who are sexually active will acquire an STI during their 20s. Whether an STI is foreseeable in your love life, professionals advise against making assumptions about who can be infected, and who cannot. There are many vulnerabilities that need to be explored, and STIs do not discriminate against sexual orientation, religion, social class, or sex.
Even if you think you are being safe enough, it does not hurt to go the extra mile in taking precautions. Some think they their methods of protection is sufficient, but one careless mistake can make a dramatic impact. Staying on top of your health issues is a critical aspect to self-care.
Many people subconsciously or consciously believe that their bodies will send up a flare during times of extreme duress. For example, if you feel nauseous during a bout of the flu or food poisoning; that is your body telling you that you are sick. The truth is, the majority of STIs do not always provide symptoms when one is infected. Not all STIs will present any noticeable skin change or feeling when peeing.
The CDC says that of all the people infected with the herpes virus, over 90 percent of individuals are unaware that they have it. In 2005, the CDC reports 977,000 cases of people infected with chlamydia. It is predicted that around 2 million people will become affected by this unfortunate trend.
With the risk of remaining asymptomatic, STIs can generally get worse the longer it remains untreated. If it was simple as washing the affected area, life would be much more manageable. The truth is, your life is at risk, as well as your natural body functions. If you work on the principle that infection will get better over time without medical treatment, you would be making a potentially foolish mistake.
When an infection is impervious to the immune system, the conditions can get worse. Syphilis can cause gradual and permanent dementia. HIV destroys the immune system of the body. Other infections like gonorrhea and chlamydia can cause infertility problems in men and women. Present and contagious infections can cause complications at childbirth.
Infections that go untreated can make your body more susceptible to other STIs. For example, if you or your partner has an open sore, it could make it easier to pass HIV. Open wounds can cause the very same infection in another individual. When a serious infection occurs, both parties who do not treat their infection can lose their reproductive abilities.
Doctors have made compelling cases in the links between cervical cancer and HPV in women. HPV is said to increase chances of cervical cancer in women. Most STIs are manageable or treatable, and it is up to you to take proactive steps in the perseverance of your health. There are various Denver STD testing clinics that can be found online, in your local yellow pages, or at your nearest medical clinic.
Around half of the people who are sexually active will acquire an STI during their 20s. Whether an STI is foreseeable in your love life, professionals advise against making assumptions about who can be infected, and who cannot. There are many vulnerabilities that need to be explored, and STIs do not discriminate against sexual orientation, religion, social class, or sex.
Even if you think you are being safe enough, it does not hurt to go the extra mile in taking precautions. Some think they their methods of protection is sufficient, but one careless mistake can make a dramatic impact. Staying on top of your health issues is a critical aspect to self-care.
Many people subconsciously or consciously believe that their bodies will send up a flare during times of extreme duress. For example, if you feel nauseous during a bout of the flu or food poisoning; that is your body telling you that you are sick. The truth is, the majority of STIs do not always provide symptoms when one is infected. Not all STIs will present any noticeable skin change or feeling when peeing.
The CDC says that of all the people infected with the herpes virus, over 90 percent of individuals are unaware that they have it. In 2005, the CDC reports 977,000 cases of people infected with chlamydia. It is predicted that around 2 million people will become affected by this unfortunate trend.
With the risk of remaining asymptomatic, STIs can generally get worse the longer it remains untreated. If it was simple as washing the affected area, life would be much more manageable. The truth is, your life is at risk, as well as your natural body functions. If you work on the principle that infection will get better over time without medical treatment, you would be making a potentially foolish mistake.
When an infection is impervious to the immune system, the conditions can get worse. Syphilis can cause gradual and permanent dementia. HIV destroys the immune system of the body. Other infections like gonorrhea and chlamydia can cause infertility problems in men and women. Present and contagious infections can cause complications at childbirth.
Infections that go untreated can make your body more susceptible to other STIs. For example, if you or your partner has an open sore, it could make it easier to pass HIV. Open wounds can cause the very same infection in another individual. When a serious infection occurs, both parties who do not treat their infection can lose their reproductive abilities.
Doctors have made compelling cases in the links between cervical cancer and HPV in women. HPV is said to increase chances of cervical cancer in women. Most STIs are manageable or treatable, and it is up to you to take proactive steps in the perseverance of your health. There are various Denver STD testing clinics that can be found online, in your local yellow pages, or at your nearest medical clinic.
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Read more about Reasons To Check With A Local Denver STD Testing Center visiting our website.
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