Sunday, September 22, 2013

Treatment For Sleep Deprivation

By Leslie Moore

Have you been studying very hard for your examinations? Need an ample amount of time for your deadlines? Does your baby cries at night and wants to be carried while sleeping? There are more activities or tasks which causes sleep deprivation aside from having the sickness called insomnia. It may me a good thing that you are doing something productive or worthwhile at night however, regular sleep deprivation may charge back some inconvenience or heavy health issues on you. So before it happens to that, it is important to put a remedy or think of a nice solution on how you can sleep longer while having sleep problems and keeping on doing things that you have to do.

Natural Remedies

Before you could think of treatments, be reminded that sleep is still the best remedy or shield against sleep deprivation and the sicknesses that it brings. If you have a lot of responsibilities after your full-time job, you have to learn on how to be quick and save time. Practice effective time management and make sure that every second of your time is not being wasted on something else. This will help you to finish the task early leaving more hours for you to sleep. You can change request for a change of schedule or divide the house chores to the members of the family. Aside from this, there are other natural ways that you can consider before looking into medications.

Other aids are exercise, diet and stress reduction especially for those who have insomnia. For people who can't just sleep because of a disorder, performing calming exercises such as yoga before bed time will help you relax. Diet is also important for both insomniacs and night buddies. Since sleep deprivation causes slow metabolism, those who suffers from it have a higher chance of gaining weight which can be harmful to health. Avoid caffeine products, alcohol and make a change on your eating habits. Make sure that you only take in healthy snack instead of salty, fatty and junk foods.

Doctor's Prescription

For insomniacs, they are being given anti-depressants and sleeping pills to help them sleep sound and longer. Though it helps in putting people to sleep, side effects might be experienced such as impaired thinking and agitation. Antihistamines are sometimes being prescribed by doctors as it helps people to become drowsy however, the drug reduces sleep quality.

For people who need to stay awake at night, the best medication for them depends on the symptoms or sickness that they've got because of sleep deprivation. Multivitamins and other food supplements can also help them fight the disease that might get them because of reduced resistance. Aside from taking in multivitamins, the bigger solution to solve the bad effects of sleep deprivation is to sleep. So sleep while you can and try to make the most of your time for you to be able to do so.

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