Friday, June 14, 2013

Tart Cherries Supply Users Many Pluses

By Yu Wien

For many people, the cherry is their most loved fruit. It is a very versatile type of food and it goes without saying of course that they are simply delicious. Also known as a sour cherry or prunus cerasus, this fruit is used in many different recipes in the kitchen. The most favorite of all is without doubt the famous cherry pie. Many health experts are calling this tart cherries the next superfood and it does not take much to see why.

Cherries are used in preserves, in the fruit bowl and in jams. Usually they are best picked and eaten off the tree. This fruit is grouped into two categories, morello and amarelle and can be used for many different things. The amarelle only has the red pigment in the skin and not the fruit, while the morello has the red pigment in the skin and throughout the fruit. They are both delicious to eat and offer a multitude of health benefits.

Cherries are good for fighting some types of pain, sleep problems and the recovery of over exerted muscles. Just a handful of walnuts and dried cherries half an hour before you retire for the night will help you to sleep a bit better. For a boost before or after a workout you should have a handful of of this juicy fruit as well. You could even add them into a shake for a booster.

Dried cherries are available all year round, so you can buy them whenever you run out. One can also make use of them instead of the normal berry on top of your yogurt in the morning at breakfast to act as an anti inflammatory. This fruit can be used in just about any food and is very versatile.

A cherry has among the highest antioxidants of all the super foods. Well-known foods such as oranges, dark chocolate, prunes and red wine were surpassed by this fruit in the antioxidant category. Other research supports the fact that they are used for pain relief of muscles damaged in training and used in a daily routine are good in any diet.

Most experts will encourage sportsmen to manage their inflammation with this fruit instead of chemical medicine. This is the natural way of doing things and is proving to be very successful. Endurance athletes and sports nutritionists alike are using this fruit to support recovery programs.

Cherries proudly boast 19 times more vitamin A than blueberries or strawberries. To gain 25% of your daily vitamin A intake one simply needs a handful of this fruit. This means that by including a few to your daily diet you will be adding more value in vitamin intake. Such fruit is a real blessing for those people who are continually on the run.

To make your tart cherries keep longer after picking them make sure that you pick them with their stems on. One can also freeze them with or without sugar. When frozen, this fruit can be defrosted and used in any recipe, and a sure way to make your family happy is with a cherry pie. So the next time you are looking for something to snack on, do yourself a favor and have a handful of these delicious, fleshy little fruits.

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