Thursday, April 4, 2013

Use This Specific Information To Help You Prevent Bruising Easily Altogether!

By Jan Doan

Bruising easily is a common symptom of several , generally blood related diseases, but it can also happen to people simply because of their aging. Normally bruises caused primarily by aging will just disappear in a week or two as your body heals itself naturally. When easy bruising is considered to be a symptom of something other than normal aging and combined with otherwise unfamiliar symptoms associated with body or headache pain, it is advisable to see your doctor.

Usually bruises form when small blood vessels or capillaries near your skin's surface are broken by the impact of a blow or other injury. When this happens, blood leaks out of the damaged vessels and initially appears as a bright or dark red, purple, or black mark on the skin. After a period of time, your body reabsorbs the blood, and the mark usually disappears. Once a bruise has formed, there's not much that can be done to actually treat it. Most bruises eventually disappear as your body reabsorbs the blood. If swelling is associated with the bruising, applying a cold compress for 20 minutes at a time and elevating the affected area may also help. After the swelling has gone down, a warm compress may speed the blood re-absorption. The first thing that you need to try is to use ice packs in order to reduce the swelling immediately after getting any sort of bruise. If you do have bruises on the limbs, then make sure to raise the affected area up above your head so that the accumulation of blood is minimized.

Bruises also develop more easily in the elderly, because their skin and blood vessels have a tendency to become thinner and more fragile with aging, and there tends to be an increased use of medications that may interfere with the body's blood clotting system. In the condition known as purpura senilis, the elderly develop bruises from minimal contact that may take up to several months to completely heal. In a condition known as purpura simplex , there is a tendency to bruise easily due to an increased fragility of the blood vessels.

A bruise is usually associated with swelling and edema. You don't need to study demographics to learn that all people develop bruises numerous times during their lives. Healthy people may develop bruises from any injury that does not break through the skin. Simple cold compresses will help advance healing for new bruises. With this method of treatment, you can help get rid of bruises significantly faster; and if applied before the bruise becomes visible, you can often greatly reduce the visible appearance. Additional tips for healing bruises when they first appear is to apply a plastic bag containing frozen foods that wrap entirely over the bruised area. This will help ease the pain and slow the blood leaking into the tissues around the point of injury that might eventually swell if neglected. Cold compresses are the best first aid when bruising initially occurs.

Another way to help heal your bruise is to elevate the bruised area above your head or level of your heart. In other words, if the bruise is located between your knee and your ankle, lie down on a couch or bed and prop up your leg. This will slow the accumulation of the red blood cells to the bruise site, because more of the blood in your leg will flow back toward the rest of your body instead of leaking out into the tissues of your leg. If you keep standing, more blood will flow to the bruised area, and the bruise will swell faster and get larger.

Vigorous exercise may also cause bruises due to bringing about small tears in blood vessel walls. While normally caused by blunt impact, bruises or contusions can also result from pulled muscles, sprains, or other sporting injuries. To avoid these things happening, you should take the extra precaution of wearing appropriate protective gear before going into such activities.

Bruises can be treated by you personally, but you should seek a doctor's advice if: A bruise has not visibly healed after about two weeks. Bruises continue to appear for no apparent reason. Bruising happens with no seeming basis for the occurrence. Bruises linger painfully. Bruises seem to develop faster. Joint pain hinders your ability to move. You have bruises below your eye.

Keep in mind that anyone can get bruises. So, to avoid from getting into such inconvenient circumstances, provide yourself with substantial information to stop worrying about your easy bruising. Please keep in mind that you lose nothing if you choose to follow some of the important and useful facts contained in this article or knowledge gained through personal study. Once you have gained as much information on your tendency to bruise easily as possible, you should also strongly consider following the Bruises Be Banned daily supplement program. This unique, all natural product has helped people all over the world totally avoid bruising easily.

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